Smart Home Automation Installation In Atlanta For Increasing Your House Value
Homeowners in Atlanta know the real estate market is constantly changing, so are our houses. With the onset of smart home technology, running a home has never been smoother. But for those seeking to sell their home without smart home automation, it may be difficult without adding updates to the property. Potential homebuyers are looking for more value and smart home technology features make their lives easier. So what is holding many homeowners back? Well knowing what smart home automation installation offers and how to make it a part of everyday life is the first step.
A Smart Home Is A Sold Home!
Homebuyers are smart and know that smart home automation not only increases home value but, more importantly increases the value of life. This means paying a higher price for smart home technology is worth it. The question then becomes, what features should you add? Most popular are features that provide safety and lower home utility expenses followed by ones that can make everyday life a bit easier.
Smart Home Automation Installation, Choosing A Company
Let us preface this by saying that the number one, must have for any smart home technology is good installation. Hiring an expert team is crucial to making sure systems and devices integrate well with each other and don’t experience lag time, glitches or even worse, electrical safety issues. While over all, when it comes to any smart home automation installation it is better to never scrimp on the budget it is most important however, when it comes to electrical wiring and security systems. ALWAYS do your homework. Choose a company that not only has experience and is professionally licensed, but make sure that carries over to their technicians as well. To install security systems in Georgia, it is illegal not to be licensed by the state.
Smart Home Automation Installation – Features to Consider
Security Systems – Safety is often the first consideration of any homebuyer. This is especially true of young families with children or single buyers. When choosing a security system you need a trained and experienced professional who can provide insights on what are your home’s most vulnerable areas, what devices offer the best protection and coverage as well as, what are affordable options to meet those needs. In addition, don’t forget security does not stop with just break-in protection. You will also want a system that alerts to fire, carbon monoxide and water leak-flood threats.
Programmable Thermostats – The thought of being able to provide a comfortable home for everyone inside AND save on heating-air conditioning costs is a big selling feature. Recently there are several great thermostat devices that have come out on the market which can provide exceptional home climate control, the key is finding the best one that both meets your family’s needs and works well with your unique smart home automation installation.
Home Sound Systems – Nothing makes a home feel more like a home than sound and music. Whether it’s jazz wafting through the living areas, rock music to liven up a party on the patio, the sounds of the ocean as you sleep or your morning news radio starting your day, home sound systems make home feel, well…like home.
Home Theater Entertainment – More and more families are seeking in-home entertainment centers and home theaters as a way to escape the crowds and get up close with their sports and movie watching. With the high costs of movie tickets, concessions and the gas to get there, many families are finding family movie nights an exciting way to bond at home while saving on entertainment costs. No longer do you need to be a celebrity or sports superstar to afford a great home theater system. Everyday homeowners are now finding affordable options for living like royalty with their own home theater.
Lighting and Electrical- I think we can all envision the days of Dad running around the house turning off lights saying, “you’re costing me house and home!” Well not literally, but lights-electricity does cost. Let’s face it, these days with cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets, and gaming systems in addition to lights, having a system that can monitor and control lighting and electricity flow can mean big energy savings. And, the capability to do it remotely from your smart phone not only saves money but, saves you (and Dad) time.
Appliances – When it comes to smart home automation, nothing brings the ease of running a home together than the appliances that make life easier. Imagine having an oven that keeps food cold until 30 minutes before you leave work and then cooks the meal. Or a refrigerator that can show you what is inside and make digital shopping lists, or smart home device that can control the home, provide information, play music and offer personal assistance? All of these great new smart home technologies are now available, the key however is having a smart home automation system in place that can make them all sync. Good planning, wiring and placement are essential to making your appliances work together for you.
No One Does Smart Home Automation Installation Like AVX
At Audio Video Excellence we take pride in being leaders in the smart home technology industry. Are technicians are trained, experienced and licensed to provide expert home security system installation (and monitoring) and smart home automation installation. We can work with you to design a system that meets your budget with exciting and innovative solutions while increasing your home’s overall value. While we know that having a smart home will make it hard to leave, the features we provide can help you get the best offers on your home when ready to sell.
Ready to see how smart we can make your home? Contact Us Now or Call Us at (855)-856-9289 , before your home goes on the market. Our knowledgeable team will provide a smart home automation installation that is expertly performed and awesome to experience.